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School will be closed on Monday 31st March for all pupils, all pupils must return to school at 8.20am on Tuesday 1st April.
Year 10 Parents Evening is on Tuesday 1st April from 4pm till 7pm.

Year 10’s visit STORY Contracting

Fifteen selected Pleckgate pupils are on the right track after they made a careers trip to STORY Contracting.

The pupils were chosen after they applied for a place and submitted an expression of interest in the company, which provides award-winning civil engineering solutions.

They learned about different career paths, spoke with graduate engineers and a graduate Quantity Surveyor.  They were introduced to the different divisions at STORY, including rail and construction.

Pupils were given an ‘apprentice’ task where they had to refurbish Blackburn train station and were provided with a budget of £450,000. They had to design and create a new train station with eco-friendly elements and present their plans back to the contracts manager.

Miss Faruki, Careers Lead, said: “This is part of our pupils’ Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) education. Children are encouraged to have encounters with employers and employees, as well as having experiences of work places. These visits are a valuable and worthwhile. This trip was especially insightful for pupils who hope for a career in civil engineering in the future.”

“They got an experience of it first hand and also made important contacts for their future.”

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