Year 10 pupils enjoyed a day with nature at Williamson Park in Lancaster.
Pupils toured the Butterfly House, the mini zoo and hunted insects which live among the flora and fauna.
The Butterfly House is home to exotic butterflies, fish, tortoise, terrapins and an array of weird and wonderful plants.
Pupils were given a talk from the staff about the lifecycle of butterflies from their days as a caterpillar to the metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly.
The tortoise and terrapin, Raymond and Leo, were brought out to touch and discuss their similarities and differences as well as how they adapt help them to survive in their different habitats.
The pupils then headed into the mini zoo where they were introduced to the eyeless fish. The fish lose their eyes if they live in dark places as they don’t need them, instead relying on the other senses to survive.
They also saw a gecko, a lizard and a snake quarantined in their enclosures.
Heading outdoors, pupils got to stroke the fluffy guinea pigs, admire the marmoset monkeys and be amused by the nosey meerkats!
The guide explained some of the pack behaviour and how it helps the animals to survive in the wild.
The group then became intrepid explorers outdoors and competed against each other as to who could find the most creepy crawlies.
Kudos was given to the pupils who were brave enough to find the more weird and wonderful looking insects.
Mrs Khan was distracted by the wild garlic growing in abundance around the woods!
Lunch was taken outdoors before heading over to the Ashton Memorial building to climb the stairs to enjoy the panoramic views from the top. Pupils took many photos as they were impressed by the building, its history and how far the eye could see.
After a short walk through some woodland, the group headed back to the minibus and home.