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Introducing our Year 11 prefects. Discover their inspiring school journey and learn about their plans to assist their peers and the school in their new leadership role.

Peter, Head Boy

I want to be a positive role model for the younger generation.
I am a past pupil of St James CofE in Lower Darwen before joining Pleckgate.
Through my time at Pleckgate, I’ve taken part in various extra-curricular activities that have improved my educational journey and self-improvement. All the abilities I’ve mastered have turned me into a committed individual of the school’s student leadership team, where I work with both students and teachers to encourage an environment where all can flourish.
Furthermore, I’ve played for the school’s football team, which has kept me physically active and has also shown me the significance of teamwork and diligence.
My interests go beyond an academic level and sports. I have a burning passion for competitions and I was delighted to take part in the “Bar Mock Trial”, where we worked on cultivating our different roles in a genuine, functional court and were delighted to win the Regional Contest.
However, in the future, I aspire to become an aerospace engineer, where I can contribute to creating innovative answers for the science and technology we use today. One of my long-term ambitions is to be a positive role model for the younger generation. I believe that by setting a good example through hard work, consistency, and a tone of diligence, I can inspire others to always produce their best work.
I also want to coach young pupils, guiding and supporting them as they evolve through their own educational journeys. With this, I hope to foster a school climate where everybody feels valued and inspired to achieve their full potential.

Anam, Head Girl

I am privileged to be the Head Girl of Pleckgate High School.
My journey at Pleckgate started in 2021 where I came from St Gabriel’s Primary School. I was the only pupil to come to Pleckgate from St Gabriel’s but I quickly made new friends and the thought of being alone disappeared in a flash.
The opportunities at Pleckgate are vast. I am a huge lover of sport and I became captain of the netball and rounders team which made me a better leader.
My confidence levels have grown throughout the years as I was part of the Bar Mock trial which is a competition for students wanting to pursue a career in law or even just to explore the different pathways available after you leave school. I enjoyed it as I got to go to London and visit the Royal Courts of Justice.
After school I would like to go to sixth form and carry on my education which can lead me in the future to become a sports journalist and travel around the country interviewing sports personalities as I love to travel and writing is something I enjoy.
I hope to make school more enjoyable for all and make sure there are plenty of opportunities and trips for everyone no matter what year they are in. I hope to be a positive role model to the younger students and encourage them to never give up and to always follow their dreams.

Laila, Deputy Head Girl

I am Pleckgate’s new Deputy Head Girl and my aim is to do whatever it takes to assist and improve the quality of school life within Pleckgate.
I think the role of Senior Prefect is extremely crucial in maintaining a stable, safe and successful school environment.
Since migrating from my home country, Egypt, at the age of nine and joining a brand new school, Lammack Primary School, in a foreign atmosphere, I have always dreamt of attaining such a significant position where I am able to support and guide young pupils.
In fact, I would not wish for anything more than a supportive space that aspires, inspires and encourages every pupil  at Pleckgate High school.
Since joining Pleckgate, I have had many incredible opportunities. I have had the absolute privilege and honour of being a tutor representative, anti-bullying ambassador, numeracy ambassador, a librarian and also joining many extra-curricular sport activities.
In addition, I have represented this outstanding school in a myriad of competitions including the Bar Mock trial, Maths Feast, Blackburn Quiz and more!
These opportunities have also sparked my interest for law, psychiatry and mathematics which I hope to study in the future.
My ambition for success not only benefits me but enables me to strive and work my hardest to ensure all pupils at Pleckgate ‘Aspire and Believe, Act and Succeed.’

Sophia, Deputy Head Girl

I am proud to have been appointed Pleckgate High School’s Deputy Head Girl.
I went to Cedars Primary School before coming to Pleckgate.
I believe being a role model to younger years is a significant responsibility that comes with great rewards.
It involves setting a positive example through actions and words, inspiring and guiding them towards making good choices and achieving their goals.
By being a role model to the younger years in school, we can instil values like kindness, perseverance, and integrity.
I believe having clear goals and passions can provide direction and motivation in our lives.
By nurturing our interests and pursuing our ambitions over the long term, we can work towards achieving personal growth and fulfillment.
I inspire to do the best I can through all school subjects and help others to do the same.

Maryam, Senior Prefect

It’s been an honour to be a part of Pleckgate and I am proud to achieve this wonderful position of Senior Prefect.
Who I have become and how I have developed is all because of Pleckgate and how much staff and pupils have helped me to grow into who I am today. As a Senior Prefect, I aspire to help everybody, staff to students, including our Senior Prefect team members who have worked significantly hard to be in this role.
I truly aspire to benefit Pleckgate High School by granting more opportunities for students to succeed by providing more mental and physical extra-curricular activities, making school a better environment and just overall providing more opportunities to improve school and experience at our outstanding Pleckgate High School.
As students, we have been encouraged to get involved with more activities and to achieve our potential. All the staff are extremely hard-working, approachable and do everything to help students be successful.
Over the years, I have learnt how to work hard and make friends. I will proudly say I am a Senior Prefect at such a great school that has high standards for  students.
A thank you to all teachers and students especially Miss McGinty, our Headteacher, who believes in all of us.

A message from our pupils

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