Please browse the links below for answers to our new parents’ frequently asked questions. Should you need more information, please feel free to contact our team.
Will parents and carers be able to meet the staff before my child starts school?
We would usually have at least two induction events prior to your child joining us in September. If this is not possible, we will have a virtual tour hosted by the Head teacher and virtual introductions to the form tutors, which will all be available on the school website.
What uniform will my child need and is there any support in purchasing this?
A full list of the school uniform including PE kit is on our school website under ‘Our school’.
Pleckgate High School uniform can be purchased from either Grays, 68 Northgate, Blackburn: 01254 51425 or Whittakers, 20-26 Church Street, Blackburn: 01254 676047 or The School Uniform Company, Unit 1, River Street, Blackburn Tel: 01254 658787
What equipment should I purchase for my child?
We expect each child to be well organised and be well prepared for learning by having the following equipment with them each day: a pen, a pencil, a ruler, a scientific calculator and a geometry set. Individual subject areas will provide guidance on other specialist equipment required once pupils start school. Please see below for details on the school iPad.
Will I be provided with an iPad and how much does this cost?
All pupils at Pleckgate High School are provided with an iPad for home learning. Pupils in year 7 are usually provided with an iPad during the first half term as all parents are invited to a briefing session when more advice and guidance is provided.
There is usually a small charge to cover insurance for the iPad in case of loss or damage. More details will follow once school is open.
Will my child still be eligible for free school meals?
If you are currently eligible for free school meals, this will be protected until Universal Credit is introduced (expected March 2022) even if your circumstances change. If you are still in education on this date, you will be eligible until you finish the phase of schooling (primary or secondary) they are in.
However, if your family circumstances have recently changed and you believe you may now be eligible for free school meals then you should visit to access the information on how to apply.
How will we pay for trips and school meals?
We do not encourage pupils to bring money to school and we use ParentPay which is a secure website that will allow parents/carers to pay on line for items such as school lunch, equipment and school trips. Some parents will already be familiar with using this service through primary schools.
During the first week of term parents will be given an activation code to be able to access this service.
Will my child be able to access the school bus?
We run a school bus service every day at the low cost of £2.50 per day return payable on a termly basis. The bus service is provided by Moving People, Blackburn. Parents can book places for their child through ParentPay for both year 7 pupils and their siblings, but places are limited.
The bus timetable and routes are available on our school website in ‘Parents’
What support is available for Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND)?
How can I support my child with home learning in preparation for secondary school?
Although we appreciate it is difficult for parents to juggle working and supporting their children with home learning, we would encourage parents/carers to try and establish routines with regular work particularly in Maths and English.
We would also encourage you to be reading with your child. Further guidance on how parents/carers can support the reading of a secondary school child can be found on our school website under ‘Reading school’.
Why Choose Pleckgate
Watch our video, which has been especially designed to help you prepare for life as a pupil at Pleckgate High School.
“The school ensures that pupils have the necessary knowledge and skills to benefit from the curriculum.”
Ofsted 2024