Pleckgate held a Super Learning Day as pupils came ‘off timetable’ and explored different topical issues.
There was a mixture of different events throughout the day including trips to BAE Systems, Graham and Brown, Crown Paints and WEC Darwen for the Year Eights.
Say-Two Productions held a theatre workshop where they performed an edited version of An Inspector Calls with help from Pleckgate pupils.
Brook Advisory Centres for Young People discussed sexual health and health and well-being with Year 10s while Humanutopia was a workshop about raising aspirations and dealing with peer pressure and issues such as bullying.
The Year Sevens spent the day designing an app.
“The pupils got time to take a step back from classroom learning to think about different issues,” said teacher Ms Dean, who organised the day. “It’s all about giving pupils and all-round education and dealing with issues which do affect today’s teenagers. It was a positive day.”