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School will be closed on Monday 31st March for all pupils, all pupils must return to school at 8.20am on Tuesday 1st April.
Extra CurricularSTEM

Exploring the Wonders of Science

It was Science Week in March, ten days spent celebrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
A number of our Year 11 triple science pupils told us about their love of the subject.
Sanaa said: “I think science helps build confidence with practical experiments and also independent learning. In practicals, there is always new equipment to use as well.
“I want to work in a pharmacy in the future.”
Sophia said: “I think science encourages team work as you work with partners, sometimes who you wouldn’t normally work with, but you find a way to work together.
“You learn new skills and it also builds confidence. I want to work in medicine.”
Mariyah said: “It teaches you how to write up practical experiments, so it’s useful for English as well. Science also teaches you how to follow instructions. I want to be a paramedic.”
Hurulaine, who wants to be a dermatologist, added: “Science is behind everything in the world. Science, new drugs and so on, can help you make a positive impact in the future.”
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