Written by Shuiab Khan at The Lancashire Telegraph
Read more here: www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/24536474.pupils-commended-inspiring-efforts-results
Pleckgate High School headteacher Aishling McGinty said the school had “high expectations of pupils” and want them to know that “anything is possible”.
She said: “We are also really well supported by our parents, who are aspirational for their children to have careers in medicine, dentistry, accountancy, engineering, business for example.
“We work hard to set pupils on the right path, we have a very clear strategy that is not just about achieving excellent results but making sure that pupils have everything they need along the way to help them make the right decisions.”
Among the successes was Layla Patel who has already completed work experience at Manchester’s Co-op Live indoor arena, and is now ready to embark on a T-level in design, planning and surveying in construction at Blackburn College
She achieved grades 9s in biology, chemistry and physics, and grade 8s in mathematics, geography and religious studies.
Nooshrut said: “I want to be a chartered quantity surveyor and have got the grades I need to do a course that will elevate me to what I want to do.
Proud mum Nooshrut Asmal was by her side when she collected her results from school.
She said: “I’m more excited than when I got my own GCSE results at Pleckgate”
“It was 2001 when I finished my studies at Pleckgate High School, so to be here all these years later, and my youngest starting here in September, it feels very surreal and has come full circle.
“I’m so proud of Layla, she has had support at school and has worked hard, she’s really passionate about the career she has chosen.
“There are not many women in construction and she really wants to champion that, and the staff at Pleckgate have really supported the path she has chosen.
Mubeen Sakib is considering a career in medicine or accounting after surpassing his own expectations in achieving eight 9s.
He said: “I have had my head in my books the whole year.
“I will either go to St Wilfrid’s Sixth Form or Cardinal Newman College and study mathematics, further mathematics, chemistry and either biology or physics. I am keeping it open as, from these, I can go into medicine, accounting or engineering.
“I have enjoyed my time at Pleckgate, my teachers have been really helpful and I have gained a lot from my school experience. I have been a prefect and was really involved in charity work, I have enjoyed it.”
Head girl Fatima Surgeon said: “I wish I could stay. There are so many great teachers and great opportunities that it feels like a second home.
“Pleckgate has been a great school, especially in helping with the next step in your career, they guide you all the way.
“I want to go to Cardinal Newman College and study A-levels in business, economics and accounting as well as AS in mathematics.
“I want to go into business accounting. I am good with numbers and I hope to have my own business in accounting.”