Our are a visible presence at Pleckgate to help anyone who may feel they need to talk.
The Year 10s wear purple badges and also lanyards and can be seen in the Year 7 and 8 school yards at breaks and lunch-times.
Fatima said: “It’s all about giving that bit of extra help. It may be pupils who are too scared to approach a teacher but would feel comfortable talking to another pupil if they have any issues or problems. It’s a safe space so people don’t keep things bottled up. Thankfully we haven’t had to deal with a lot of issues so far.”
Hadia said: “I chose to be an Anti-Bullying Ambassador because I want everyone to feel safe and comfortable.”
Tayyaba said: “I chose to be one as I want to make a difference.”
Amina added: “Someone may be scared to talk to a teacher about any issues in school and at home but will feel we are more approachable.”
The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors were originally trained through The Diana Award, in memory of Princess Diana, which is about empowering young people to make positive change.
Our current School Ambassadors will also train the Year 9s to step up into their role in the next school year.