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School will be closed on Monday 31st March for all pupils, all pupils must return to school at 8.20am on Tuesday 1st April.
Year 10 Parents Evening is on Tuesday 1st April from 4pm till 7pm.

Music Trip to Westholme School to see Les Misérables

In March 2024, our pupils had the opportunity to see Westholme School perform the school edition of Les Misérables. This was a fabulous performance and we thank Westholme School for giving our pupils the opportunity to watch their pupils perform at such a high standard.

We are excited for our very own school production of Oliver which will be performed in the summer term.

Sumayyah in Year 10 said: “The trip to see students perform Le Miserables at Westholme was one I definitely will not forget. The atmosphere and performance overall was outstanding, and the talent of the students was incredible. It was very inspiring to see people around my age group performing at such high levels and was all in all an amazing experience.”


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