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Pleckgate High School


School will be closed on Monday 31st March for all pupils, all pupils must return to school at 8.20am on Tuesday 1st April.
Year 10 Parents Evening is on Tuesday 1st April from 4pm till 7pm.

Information for Pupils

The Pupils Career Information section of the website is designed to assist you in exploring the careers and education options for your future – by providing you with a range of resources that can help you. As you scroll down there are interactive links. Please also explore the links for:

As part of your careers journey at Pleckgate High School, it is our purpose is to help you find yours. Finding your purpose, (means finding a career you are happy and fulfilled in) can and does take time. To assist you, each year has a focused theme.


Overview of CEIAG at Pleckgate High School

Year 7 – Introduction to a number of different types of jobs/careers in lessons and Tutor time. Introduction to skills needed in various roles.

Year 8 – Continuation of careers and guidance information in tutor time and lessons as well as developing your knowledge of employment, local labour market information and skills required.

Year 9 – Continuation of careers and guidance information in lessons and trips, as well as teaching you about education and career pathways. This is shared through information and guidance provided by teachers and employers. In addition you will be introduced to the Local Labour Market information to support your choices for key stage 4 options.

Year 10 – Continuation of careers and guidance information in lessons, visiting employers and departmental trips. Teaching you about your options for key stage 5 education and employment. You will receive a one to one interview to help you navigate the decisions you will be making for the end of Year 11.  This is inclusive of CV writing, personal statements, interview skills and workplace visits.

Year 11 – Continuation of careers and guidance information in lessons, visiting employers and departmental trips. We will support you in your decisions and applications to Colleges, Sixth forms and Apprenticeships. This is inclusive of updating your CV, personal statements and interview skills.



Every pupil has access to Unifrog. Your login details will be your school email and you will need to create a password.

Y7 & Y8 Unifrog – Allows you to explore different careers that you may never have even heard of as well as the ones that have already started to spark your interest.

Y9 Unifrog – Allows you to learn about the different subjects you could study at key stage 4 and what types of subjects are needed for careers you’re interested in.

Y10 and Y11 – Gives you access to College, Sixth form and Apprenticeship courses that you are interested in applying for. It helps you to record your skills and experiences that make you employable or an ideal candidate for a specific course.  It allows you to write your CV, personal statements and track your applications.

Further exploration of Careers and Education options for your future:


Use the tool, it’s quick and simple to use and can help point you in the right direction.


It’s so important to seek inspiration!  Whatever career you aspire to, it’s always best to understand from people who perform the job.

A great resource is: – This website has lots of videos from different employment sectors that you can explore, as well as some amazing personality quizzes to help you understand your motivations.

National Careers Service

The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. You can create your own lifelong learning account and access a range of useful tools from real-life case studies and careers guides, to web and telephone chats with independent, impartial and fully-qualified careers advisors.

Meet the professionals: virtual masterclasses

  • Video 1: Frankie Hall- Embrace change. Young people understanding themselves as they enter the workplace (Generation Millennials)         Video 1 Click here

For more information please contact our Careers, Education, Information and Guidance Lead at

“Pupils receive timely guidance about careers and their next steps in education or training. This provides pupils with the knowledge that they need to make well-informed choices for their futures.”

Ofsted 2024

Ofsted Outstanding Provider
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