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School will be closed from Monday 17th Feb – Friday 21st Feb and will reopen on Monday 24th Feb.

Homework Timetable

Subject Year Group(s) Homework Information
Science Y11/10/9 GCSE One extended piece of homework per fortnight per subject (Chemistry/Physics/Biology) to be completed for next subject specific lesson
Y11/10/9 Triple Science One per subject per week
Y7/8 Once per week
Humanities Y7/8 Once per week
Y9/10/11 Once per week
Technology Y7/8 Once per fortnight (dependent upon practical work)
Y9/10/11 Once per week (dependent upon practical work)
Drama Y7/8 Once per week
Music Y7/8 Once per fortnight
Art Y7/8 Two projects per half term
Y9/10/11 Individual project work (minimum once per week)
MFL Y7/8 Once per week

Homework Timetable Overview for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4

Key Stage Subject Details
Key Stage 3 English 1 reading homework and 1 written homework each week. Year 7 and 8 pupils should also be reading their Accelerated Reader book for at least 15 minutes every day.
Key Stage 4 English 1 reading and 1 written homework each week. Year 10 and 11 pupils should also be reading regularly across a range of texts and materials.
Key Stage 3 & 4 Mathematics Homework is set for both key stages, twice a week.
Key Stage 3 Science 2 per week. 1 written one learning/revision or research.
Key Stage 4 Science 3 per week for separate sciences, 1 from each subject area, biology, chemistry and physics. For pupil studying core and additional science, 2 per week.
Key Stage 3 & 4 History 1 per week for both key stages. Year 10 and 11 pupils should also be using GCSEPod regularly.
 Key Stage 3 & 4 Geography 1 per fortnight for KS3 and 1 per week for KS4.
Key Stage 3 & 4 Modern Foreign Languages 1 per week for both key stages.
Key Stage 3 Religious Education Takeaway homework including a starter, main and dessert for each half term.
Key Stage 4 Religious Education 1 per week with a focus on GCSE exam questions.
Key Stage 3 Technology 1 per fortnight for KS3 including research and revision for product design. Food Technology homework will involve preparing materials for practical work.
Key Stage 4 Technology 1 per week for KS4 including GCSE questions
Key Stage 3 Art Project based homework for each half term for KS31 per week for KS4 although pupils should be working on their coursework regularly at home.
Key Stage 3 & 4 Creative Arts 1 per fortnight for KS3 and 1 per week for KS4
Key Stage 3 PE Pupils are encouraged to attend extra curricular clubs regularly for KS3.
Key Stage 4 PE 1 per week including GCSE questions.


KS4 BTEC: The nature of the qualification means that pupils will have on going assignments to complete

KS4 GCSE: As a rule pupils should be completing at least one hour, per week, per Options subject

Homework Time Guidelines:

  • KS3: 30 mins per homework week
  • KS4: one hour per homework per week

Any specific requests/concerns regarding homework should be made through a pupil’s teacher, then the Head of Subject.

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