Dear Parents/Carers
It gives me great pleasure to write and share several updates at the end of a very successful and productive spring term. These include charity events with our pupils raising money for Red Nose Day, our second Super Learning Day with a focus on pupil social and health education as well as outdoor pursuits activities. We have also been fortunate in hosting several events in school, ranging from theatre performances, careers interviews and enterprise events.
It is an exciting time to be at Pleckgate; as last week, our Year 11 prefects and Head boy and girl, Aysha and Abbass, welcomed our new September 2017 admissions into school along with parents/carers, to sample what life is like at Pleckgate and meet our school community. The evening was a tremendous success and, with an increase in pupil numbers once again this year, this demonstrates that Pleckgate is the school of choice within the local area.
As younger pupils prepare to join Pleckgate, our Year 11 pupils are working hard preparing for their GCSE examinations. There are several revision workshops taking place in school during the Easter holidays and a copy of the programme is detailed on the reverse of this letter. It is essential that Year 11 pupils complete regular revision during the holidays so they are well prepared when their formal GCSE exams begin on 6th May 2017.
Finally, I want all pupils to take pride in their appearance and I expect high standards in both attendance and punctuality. It is a key message I have been delivering to all pupils in assemblies, explaining the critical relationship between good attendance and excellent results, every day matters. As well as this, pupils should arrive to school in the correct uniform wearing shoes and not trainers. Pupils can wear the summer uniform for the final time next term, however please do not purchase red or grey jumpers for current Year 10 pupils, as they have elected to wear blazers in their final year at school.
I am grateful to those parents who were involved in the consultation process regarding our new pupil uniform and from September 2017 pupils will have the option of replacing their current school uniform with the new school uniform should they wish to do so. More information on the new school uniform will follow in the summer term and please check the school website for regular updates.
A final reminder that school will close to pupils for the Easter break on 31st March at 12:10pm and we will re-open to pupils on Tuesday 18th April at 8:20am.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a peaceful Easter and thank you for your continued support and ask you if as a parent/carer take a few minutes to complete an online survey of your experience and views of Pleckgate High School at https://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/
Mark Cocker