Dear Parent/Carer
I hope you and your family are well and enjoying the summer holidays.
I wish to confirm the arrangements for your child to collect their GCSE and Cambridge National Results this year. We are delighted that all pupils will be able to collect their final results from school between 9.30am and 12pm on Thursday 25th August 2022. Parents are welcome to accompany their children to collect results which will be available in the Sports Hall. If you are unable to collect results, they will be sent to the named contact via email.
We understand that this can be a worrying time for pupils and parents, members of our Senior Leadership Team will be available to support, as will Miss Hartley and members of the Year 11 tutor team. We have also arranged for representatives of local colleges to be available to provide further advice and guidance on the day.
We hope that your child is happy with their final GCSE results and they are able to successfully complete the next steps of their education or employment. It is worth noting that guidance from the Department of Education expects that overall results will be lower than in 2021 when teacher-assessed grades were used, but higher than in 2019 when summer exams were last held. Exam grades for 2022 are expected to reflect a midpoint between the grades in 2019 and 2021
If you wish to discuss a particular subject result, please send an email by Friday 9th September 2022 to the following email address admin@pleckgate.com with your child’s name and form group in the subject line and details of the discussion of the required. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will be in touch with you.
Your child will have the opportunity to re-sit GCSE examinations in English Language or mathematics in the Autumn Term and details of this will be provided to your child by their next college provider. However, if you wish for your child to take examinations in these subjects and they are not registered at another provider, please email the information below to the examsofficer@pleckgate.com no later than Friday 23rd September 2022
- Your child’s full name and candidate number (this can be found on your statement of results).
- An updated email address and mobile phone number so that we are able to contact your child
- The full name of the subjects you wish your child to be entered for
We wish your child the best of luck with their GCSE results and their next steps in education or employment.