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Pleckgate High School
Headteacher's Updates

COVID-19 – Latest Information

We have set up this page in order to keep you up to date with the latest advice regarding COVID-19. Globally as a country, and as a school we are approaching the challenge presented by the spread of the virus as proactively as we can. Containment underpins all current strategy and we will continue to follow the advice given as and when it changes.

At Pleckgate, as you are aware, we are monitoring the situation carefully and reviewing all updates and information on a daily basis.

We are following guidance from Public Health England (PHE), the Department for Health, the Local Authority and accessing daily bulletins from the Department for Education.

Latest Updates


Our focus in school with all staff and pupils remains centred on hygiene, as this is proven factually to be the most effective way of limiting the spread of germs and the virus. Personal hygiene is the most important way we can contain COVID-19. Chief Medical Officer for England, Professor Chris Whitty, stated:
“The measures outlined in the plan are based on the best available scientific evidence – and led by our world-leading infectious disease experts. Simple as it sounds, the single most important thing individuals can do to protect themselves right now is wash their hands regularly, for at least 20 seconds, with soap and water. We have always said it is likely we can expect more cases and the action plan outlines the types of options open to government in each phase of an outbreak.”

Washing hands with soap and water, 5 or more times a day for 20 seconds (the same amount of time it takes to sing ‘happy birthday’ twice) remains one of the most important ways of reducing the chance of infection.

Using tissues when coughing and/or sneezing is also essential. Public Health England have been advising of the importance of correct coughing and sneezing etiquette with the ‘Catch it, Kill it, Bin it’ campaign. Please could you ensure your child comes to school with a packet of pocket tissues so they can ensure good personal hygiene.

It is important to avoid touching your face and to reduce physical contact with others, therefore, please do not be offended if we do not offer to shake hands at our events at present.

We continue to promote healthy hygiene in class, assemblies, form time, as well as at school events – thank you for your support to ensure the same good practice at home.

Public Health England has a dedicated webpage with a range of posters and digital materials – Find out more here

Risk Assessment

We take our safeguarding responsibilities towards every child in our care very seriously. As such, our approach to the current situation, particularly with regard to trips, events and activities is proactive, measured and careful. Our risk assessments are dynamic and reflect the challenges of the current situation, recognising that changes may have to be made swiftly.

We continue to closely monitor Government advice in these every-changing circumstances. We have also been looking at contingency plans with Governors in the event that the Government closes schools down nationally. Maintaining continuity of education (remotely) will be our priority for all pupils. We will keep you updated as and when the situation develops.

We are committed to maintaining the best education for every Pleckgate child, whilst balancing this with a robust approach to safeguard the health and welfare of our community and beyond.

Where to find the latest information


What you need to know about Coronavirus – To view BBC Report 23rd March 2020Please click here


Staying Safe On Line while studying at home during the school closure

Thinkuknow has published guidance for parents and carers to support children who may be spending more time online at home while they do their school work and socialise with friends. Suggestions to help parents keep children safe online include: chatting to find out how they use online technology and what it means to them; reminding children to report anything worrying, and how they can do this; and setting up or reviewing parental controls.

Read the news story: How to support your child at home

Welcome Evening scheduled for Thursday 2nd April for parents of Year 6 children starting at Pleckgate in September is CANCELLED.


If you or anyone in your household have either of the key symptoms, you should stay at home for 14 days:

  • A high temperature
  • A new, continuous cough

Stop all non-essential contact with others and all unnecessary travel

Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.


  • Contingency planning from all teachers to ensure and enable remote learning in the event that school is required to close temporarily.

Keeping in touch with school

  • Please can we remind you that you will need to get in contact with the School if you or any of the immediate members of your family have travelled to or plan to travel to a high-risk area. This will help us to monitor the risk within the School appropriately.
  • In line with all Government guidelines, I must also request that if you and your close family have plans to travel abroad at Easter, that you review the guidance carefully and self-isolate or seek medical assistance as necessary – please keep us informed.

Latest Letters – Please click on date:

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