If you are contemplating what to do after year 11, you have lots of choices in terms of your next steps – you can continue studying full time, take vocational qualifications, an apprenticeship, or work or volunteer and study part-time. Please see some choices below:
Colleges/Sixth Form
If you have applied to a college to study an apprenticeship or academic course you are advised to visit their website. The “Life after Year 11” document (link below) has an extensive list of colleges from the local area and what they currently have on offer.
Many have information about applying online and also suggested learning activities that you can do between now and when you start your courses.
T Levels
T Levels are new courses which follow GCSEs and are equivalent to 3 A levels. These 2-year courses offer pupils a mixture of classroom learning and on-the-job experience through an industry placement of at least 315 hours – approximately 45 days. T-levels could help you get into skilled employment, further study or a higher apprenticeship.
For more information, click here: T Levels | The Next Level Qualification
An apprenticeship is an opportunity to work and study at the same time. Most of your time is spent doing on-the-job training, and the rest is spent working towards a qualification. You’ll get paid a salary and be part of a team, just like a standard employee, but you’ll also get dedicated study time throughout the week.
Guide to apprenticeships and training providers in Lancashire : www.lancsforum.co.uk
National database of employer apprenticeships for year 11 pupils: www.gov.uk/apply-apprenticeship
“Pupils receive timely guidance about careers and their next steps in education or training. This provides pupils with the knowledge that they need to make well-informed choices for their futures.”
Ofsted 2024