The theme of the day was community cohesion and how people should celebrate their differences, but also focus on the similarities and realise that we are all just human beings.
Blackburn’s Inter-Faith Forum came and spoke to pupils about their different beliefs, with representatives from Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Hinduism.
Pupils also had the opportunity to look at religious artefacts and create pieces of artwork from different religions.
Pupils finished the day with a reflections activity, with each of them having a jigsaw piece to create a piece of artwork or writing about the day to make a 30 piece jigsaw puzzle for display.
Year Seven Katie Kenyon said: “It made me realise that it doesn’t matter what religion you are, everyone is human.”
Fatima Khan, also Year Seven, said: “I learnt about the different pilgrimages religions do and how religions can connect together.”
Head of Religious Studies Mrs Savage, whose subject has a prestigious Gold Mark, said: “This is the third year we have held an Inter-Faith Day at Pleckgate and I am pleased that this year it was even bigger than ever.
“We have been lucky enough to also be involved in Blackburn with Darwen’s Linking Classrooms initiative so had the opportunity to invite 47 Roe Lee pupils to join our Year Sevens and even got a professional filmmaker in to document the day.
“It was a huge success and allowed pupils the opportunity to meet and converse with children and adults who, although may be different from them in some ways, also have lots of things in common.”
Ashok Chudasama, from the Blackburn with Darwen Inter-Faith Forum, said “We all enjoyed our session with the children and hope that they have learnt something from the event.”