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School will be closed on Monday 31st March for all pupils, all pupils must return to school at 8.20am on Tuesday 1st April.
Year 10 Parents Evening is on Tuesday 1st April from 4pm till 7pm.
Extra Curricular

Year 9 Ramisha is a ju-jitsu gold medallist!

Ramisha has been attending the Masters of Martial Arts Academy in Blackburn for more than two years.
“My dad suggested it as he encouraged me to do self-defence and I found I actually enjoyed it.”
Ramisha trains most days and also coaches and helps out at the club as well. She recently competed at the United Nations of Ju-Jitsu World Congress and Championships in Germany.
“It’s the first time I have competed abroad I enjoyed it. I took part in a number of events in different age and weight categories. There was Kata, a Pairs Demonstration, Random Attack, Ground Fighting, Continuous Fight and Sparring.”
“There were six events and I won four golds, one silver and one bronze medal. I will move up a category from beginner to intermediate this month and I am currently taking my Orange Belt Green Stripe.”
“I like it, it’s fun, it’s disciplined and I have made a lot of friends.”
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