Year 9 were involved in a tug of war charity event to raise money for cancer research. Head of Year 9, Mr Pickup, said he was “unbelievably proud to be leading the year group and see the whole year quite literally pull together for this worthy cause. All pupils were impeccably behaved and supported each other and the efforts of everyone were second to none.”
Bilal Patel and Natasha Khan from 9LR were part of the winning team in the charity tug of war event for year 9.
Bilal said “We had a good strategy and were well organised. We put a lot of thought into how our team was structured and got stronger with each round. Miss Rose was a great coach and encouraged us right from the start”.
Natasha said “We had a plan about how to win, we decided that the best chance we had was to make sure that we all pulled the rope at exactly the same time. This worked really well as we were a team working together and put all our strength in at the same time. We were very confident from the start and very proud of what we achieved. Haseeb Malik was the rock in our team, without him we might not have been quite so successful. We really enjoyed taking part in this and we raised over £200 for cancer research.”